Manuscripts containing original materials are accepted for consideration with the mutual agreement that neither the journal nor any part of journal including tables and figures will be published or submitted for publication elsewhere before appearing in the Journal.
- Manuscript Style
- Manuscript Components
- - The manuscript should include a title page, abstract, text, references, tables, figure legends, and abbreviations.
- - All pages should be numbered consecutively starting with the title page.
- - The submission should follow the standardized format of; Arial font size 10, double-spaced, generic names (non-proprietary name) of medications should generally be used. However, authors who would wish to insert proprietary names may do so in parentheses.
- - A separate file for figure legends and figures should be submitted.
- - All submitted manuscripts must be written in proper English.
2. Manuscript File Formats
The manuscript file must be submitted as a Word document (.doc)
- Title Page
- - The title page should include
- A manuscript title
- The title of a manuscript is limited to 20 characters
- Author: full name, academic degrees, affiliation
- A corresponding author: name, contact information (email, ORCID)
- Corresponding authors should be indexed with ‘†’ in the upper right side
- Abstracts and Keywords
- - The abstract should be concise and should describe the content of the manuscript.
- - Please provide the abstract no more than 300 words and it must comprise of four labeled paragraphs that are Background, Methods, Results, and Conclusion.
- - Please keep the limit of 4 to 6 keywords that are sufficiently able to encompass the content of the study
- - The keywords must be selected preferably referring to Medical Subject Headings (MeSH) terms in PubMed.
- Text
- - RCP encourages authors to follow EQUATOR reporting guidelines for reporting manuscript.
- - The use of abbreviations is generally discouraged except for units of measurements. Authors who wish to do so may refer to the CBE Style Manual for lists of standard abbreviations. The first time an abbreviation appears must be preceded by the words that it stands for.
- - The nomenclature of bacteria, Latin, p-value should be italicized.
- - The method and result should be separated by subtitles.
- - If the study is considered to be human subjects research, the approval of institutional review board (IRB) should be clearly stated in method.
- - Accurately describe all statistical methods used in the study.
- Institutional Review Board
- - The approval from the respective institution’s IRB must be explicitly stated if the research involves human participants. If not applicable, please state “None.”
- Funding
- - The sources of research funding should be explicitly stated in the paper. If there was no external funding, please state “None.”
- Acknowledgments
- - Acknowledge persons who have contributed to the content and the manuscript including any sponsors or sources of funding. Authors must obtain written agreement of all listed persons in the acknowledgement section.
- References
- - Authors should provide a complete list of their references cited in the text. References should be numbered in the order they appear in the text.
- - In text, reference numbers should be identified with superscript Arabic numerals.
- - All authors up to 6 are to be listed; if more than 6 authors, list first 3 authors followed by “et al.”
- - References also must be typed with double line spacing
- - The title of Periodicals should be italicized and indexed according to Index Medicus
- - References should be accurately written in following format: the publishing year; volume: start page – end page
- - Examples of reference style:
- - Journal:
Kaul S, Diamond GA. Good enough: a primer on the analysis and interpretation of noninferiority trials. Ann Intern Med. 2006 Jul 4; 145(1):62-9.
- - Book:
Bryant PJ, Pace HA. Pharmacist's guide to evidencebased medicine for clinical decision making. Bethesda, MD: ASHP; 2008.
- - Part of a book:
Reed JG, Baxter PM. Library use: handbook for psychology. 3rd ed. Washington: American Psychological Association; c2003. Chapter 2, Selecting and defining the topic; p. 11-25.
- - Package insert:
Albuterol [package insert]. West Roxbury, MA: Armstrong Pharmaceuticals, Inc.; 2007.
- - Drug databases:
DRUGDEX. Micromedex [Internet]. Greenwood Village, CO: Truven Health Analytics, Inc. 2019. Infliximab; [2019 Mar 1]. Available from:
- Table
- - Tables should be labeled in the text with a given format: Table #. Name of the table
- - The title of the table should be aligned along the left margin.
- - Number tables consecutively with Arabic numerals in the order they appear in the text.
- - Explanation of abbreviations used in the table should be listed in footnotes of the table and should be superscripted in the table.
- - The unit of measure used for data in a column or row should be indicated. The maximum number of characters per row is 120.
- - Tables should be submitted in an editable MS word DOC or DOCX file.
- Figures
- - Figures should be labeled in the text with a given format: Fig #. Name of the figures
- - The title of the figure should be aligned along the left margin.
- - Number figures consecutively with Arabic numerals in the order they appear in the text.
- - Each figure must have a figure legend with a title.
- - Figures should be provided as a separate file in PDF, TIFF, or EPS. Explain all abbreviations and symbols used on the figure.
- - The minimum resolutions are;
Halftone images (300 dpi), Color images (300 dpi), Images containing text (400 dpi), Line art 1,000 dpi
- - The most relevant and important 6 figures are allowed to post along with the content and the rest should be provided in supplement materials.