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RCP Editorial Board Policy

  • Aim Editorial board is gathered to helping the journal Research in Clinical Pharmacy ensure the highest quality of the journal via thorough review process and further dedicate to the development of clinical pharmacy practice.
  • Responsibility The editorial board shall be responsible for editing and publication of journals.
    • - The editor oversees the aim, mission, and scope of the journal with authors and ACCP board members to achieve the final goals of RCP.
    • - The editor is responsible to set the timely, thorough, and systemic review process for assure the quality of RCP.
    • - The editor ensures the article is new in findings and follows the ethical policies of RCP.
    • - Editorial Boards can evaluate the editorial board members according to their contributions every year and updates the editorial team regularly. An Editorial Board member can step down from the position at any time if he or she feels overloaded by the requests.
  • Editorial Board Appointment and Composition
    • - Editorial board consists of editor-in-chief, deputy editor, associate editors, and editors from each country.
    • - Editors are clinical pharmacy practitioner, faculty member of school of pharmacy, and other healthcare professionals.
    • - Editor-in-Chief (EiC) is recommended by ACCP president and approved by the board members. EIC determines the journal's aims and scope, formulate and revise practicable publication plans and goals for the journal’s development, invite distinguished researchers to join the Editorial Board, suggests topics for special Issues and providing advice for input or feedback regarding new regulations on the journal.
    • - Deputy Editor (DE) is recommended by Editor-in-chief and appointed by ACCP president. DE is responsible for the preliminary assessment and scrutiny of a manuscript in coordination with the Associate Editors.
    • - Associate Editors (AE) are recommended by Editor-in-chief and appointed by ACCP president. AE are managing editors who commissions articles by evaluating the suitability of a manuscript given the stated aims and scope of the journal, observes the match between the author’s institutional affiliation and the area of research, and rejects or forward the manuscript for a thorough review process.
    • - Editors are a group of representatives from each country and appointed by ACCP president. All editors shall submit a resume containing their research achievements. Editors are distinguished researchers in the field of clinical pharmacy from major academic institutions and pharmacy practice sites around the world.
    • - Managing Editors (ME) is appointed by EiC and is responsible for directly handling day-to-day operations of the publication's editorial activities.
  • Term The term shall be three years but can serve consecutive terms.
  • Manuscript Review The submitted manuscripts are reviewed by the editors and final publication decision is determined by the editorial board, associate editor, and editor-in-chief.
  • Editorial board meeting Editorial board meetings shall be held annually, or more often when the EiC feels needed.
  • Publication of journal Research in Clinical Pharmacy journal shall be published twice a year.
  • Archives of journal
    • - Documents related to the review of submitted manuscript shall be kept for two years from the completion of the review.
    • - Archives of journal are kept and uploaded on the journal website.
Asian Conference On Clinical Pharmacy

Vol.2 No.2
December 2024

eISSN 2983-0745
Frequency: Biannual

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